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On stop to all things safety

Cabin Crew In-flight safety Instructions manual
www.flyxanthus.ml - Zixnoe dispatch and We Are Life on 08/03/2021 at 10:48pm (UTC)

Wings Engine and angular momentum of wave drags just like anti skid

so it is important to apply pod for girth in protect Engine, B
Pods are under the wings flaps of an engine and reduces wave drag.. pressure air speed and angular momentum

Seat Belt And Signs;

The second boing is usually when the seat belt sign is switched off.

Here’s what some of the other dings and dongs signal to crew with HI and LO referring to the tone of the chime:

Single chime: Passenger asking for service in their seat (i.e. pressing their call bell) A panel will light up in the galley and second light will appear over the passenger’s seat.

HI-LO chime: Ringtone of a crew phone from one galley or section to another (They’re probably asking if there’s more snacks for another part of the cabin).

Triple chime LO-LO: Priority message from the captain or other crew members which could be letting them know there may be turbulence ahead, so they should start putting away the meal carts and be ready in case the fasten seat belt sign comes on

Cabin Air and Pressure; Wearing Gas Mask; ..see how

Aircraft pressurization systems incorporate various features to limit human and structural damage should the system malfunction or become inoperative.

Airplanes are equipped with Pressurization Safety Valves/Cabin Air Safety Valves. They open at a preset differential pressure and allow air to flow out of the cabin; to prevent the over pressurization of the aircraft cabin. Wide-body transport category aircraft cabins may have more than one valve that send input to the out flow valve or are part of the cabin pressurization controller logic.

This outflow valve is normally operated by an ac motor controlled by a pressure controller in the electronics equipment bay. A second ac motor on the valve is used when in standby mode. A dc motor also on the valve is used for manual operation.

[8/3, 22:48] Radio Onyx: Check for pressurization—there’s a light on the inside of the door window. If it is red, it means the aircraft cabin is pressurized. DO NOT open the door until the cabin is depressurized, or the door will spring out violently and knock you down—often knocking people down the boarding stairs.
Check there is enough room on where you are standing to ensure the door can be opened without hinderance
Pull the handle in the direction of the arrow. For Airbus it is usually lifting the handle UPWARDS:

For Boeing it is usually lifting up the handle and rotating it AFT:

Note: When opening the door from the inside you must first disarm the escape slide or it will deploy when the door is opened. When you opening the door from the outside, the slide is automatically disarmed.

[8/3, 22:52] Radio Onyx: This red strap is used in Boeing 737 and many other planes. It is usually attached to the window as soon as the plane starts moving towards the runway and is put away as soon as it reaches its final destination. People have guessed before that this strap might be some sort of handle or even have something to do with structural integrity of that little window. However, it is just a sign.

At the bottom of the door there is a large box with a slide mechanism inside. This slide is automatically inflated in the case of emergency and allows people to evacuate quickly and safely. However, this slide can be quite dangerous itself, because it inflates very quickly and violently. Basically, imagine an airbag, but much bigger and much more powerful. That red strap tells fire brigade that the slide is on.
[8/3, 23:00] Radio Onyx: News Room

Arm doors, cross check – learn the cabin crew talk

There’s someone at the door: This is one of the exits on the upper deck of an A380 (with a few metres of leg room).

Cabin Crew – Arm doors and cross check

You’ll hear this at the start of every flight, just as the aircraft starts to push back from the gate. Simply, it means that the door is ready for use in an emergency evacuation.

If the door is opened the escape slide or raft will deploy and inflate. (Fact # 1 – a slide can inflate in less than six seconds).

Crew arm and disarm the door by moving a special level, locked with a pin. (Fact #2 – it’s physically impossible for the aircraft door to open mid-flight due to the difference in air pressure inside the cabin and outside in the atmosphere).

And after landing, you’ll hear the pilot ask crew to disarm doors – this means that the emergency slide has been deactivated.

Cabin Crew – prepare the cabin for landing

This is a sign to crew that the aircraft has started descending for landing. It’s also known as “top of the drop” and crew will make sure that everyone is buckled up, tray tables are stowed and of course ensuring all the window shades are up.

Window Shades
Don’t throw shade: Please follow the crews instructions to open your blinds for take off and landing

Please open your window shades

We know that opening your window shade when you’re mid-nap at the end of a long haul flight is…well, probably not your favourite way to wake up.

But having window shades up provides visibility for both our cabin crew and customers in the unlikely event of an emergency. This way, if anyone on board notices something unusual, we can alert our pilots straight away.

It also means that emergency services on the ground will be able to see inside the aircraft in case they need to evaluate an emergency situation. While that’s all very unlikely, it’s an important safeguard.

Why does it sound like someone keeps ringing a doorbell?

There can be up to 30 crew both cabin and pilots spread throughout an aircraft on a long haul flight. So, good communications are crucial. That’s where all the bells come in.

Toilet Cabin turns off

On our Airbus aircraft you’ll hear the ‘boing’ sound shortly after take-off – this sound lets crew know that the landing gear is being retracted. (Depending on where you are sitting, you can probably hear or feel it moving. If you’re downstairs in the pointy end of Boeing 777’s – you’re basically sitting right on top of the front landing gear).

[8/3, 23:04] Radio Onyx: What happens if you try to open plane door mid flight? At this point, it is necessary to pay attention to the importance of pressure and differential pressure.

Due to the pressure, it is not possible to open the aircraft door from the inside during the flight. So there was no need for passengers to be afraid of such an event. Passengers’ lack of information and fear of flight cause this concern.

Air pressure-sealed door / Plug Door
Plug door technology is a system that prevents aircraft doors opening during flight.

Plug door is a door that has been designed to seal itself by utilizing an air pressure differential between cabin and the outside of the airplane. The pressure inside the cabin holds the door as strongly as it is locked.

Can the door be opened by overcoming the pressure difference with manpower?
It is pressurized in a wide body passenger plane at 37,000 feet with approximately 6.5 pounds per square inch. Considering that the size of the door of an average wide body passenger plane is in the range of 1.5 – 2 square meters, we see that it is impossible to open the door with human power. In order for the door to open, a weight of more than 20,000 pounds must be overcome.


Flight instruction Manual B737-Max Jet
www.flyxanthus.ml on 06/24/2021 at 2:10pm (UTC)

Brand Structure of Boeing 737 and Max Jet.

See note at B737.org.uk
Brought to you by Xanthus Airways;


Xanthus Fund LLC

Aircraft Operator ;

The Cock Pit.;

There Are 5 Angular archetype to notice in Boeing 737 and Max Jet;

The Wind Shield projector and Camera/ Double camera side Mirror;

The cockpit projector lamps and wind shield mirror are for visual projection during flights and landing Termac.

Using the visual projections Camera for Aircraft Galley which is usually turn on during flights although we do not record unless during emergency;

For reverse and Leaving the terminal gates; Use the visual projector camera and the wind shield to mark the aircraft and the Termac line.. during take off, turn on the Wind Shield projector and visual projector to connect to the beam Beacon and satellite transponder to show the map on the Termac, Runway and directions and Turning on Landing Lamps.

The cock pit Dashboard;

The dashboard cock pit shows the Visual graphics and quantum graphics of the aircraft which features; the hydrohaulolics,

The Windshear steering and Gear brakes and fire handle and trustle Pedal ;

The Windshear steering is what we use for Aerodynamix such as Dive, glide and bounce, float, gravity and automotive,

Pressing the wind Shear increase Air Speed and Aerodynamix Angular motion which is usually on perpendicular axis and on float dive of Zero gravity.

Both the wind Shear and steering are important to gear , Trust ad brake;

Tyres are tubeless and inflated with nitrogen. Pressures vary with series, maximum taxi weight, temperature and size of tyres. Unfortunately this large variation in tyre pressures makes it difficult to know your aquaplaning speed

. The table below should prove helpful, notice how the aquaplaning speeds are all just below the typical landing speeds. Note: Once aquaplaning has started, it will continue to a much lower speed.

Series Main Gear Aquaplaning Speed Nose Gear Aquaplaning Speed
Originals 96 - 183psi 84 - 116Kts 125 - 145psi 96 - 104Kts
Classics 185 - 217psi 118 - 128Kts 163 - 194psi 111 - 121Kts
NG's 117 - 205psi 93 - 123Kts 123 - 208psi 95 - 124Kts
Another oddity of the 737 is the resonant vibration during taxying that occurs at approx 17kts in classics and 24kts in NG's. This is due to tyre "cold set". This is a temporary flat spot that occurs in tyres with nylon chord (ie all Boeing tyres) when hot tyres are parked and they cool to ambient temperature. Hence the reason why the flat spot is most pronounced in cold weather and tends to disappear during taxying as the tyres warm up again.

The speed rating of all tyres is 225mph (195kts).

The nose gear gravel deflector is made of corrosion-resistant steel and has a sheet metal leading edge which acts as an aerofoil to give it aerodynamic stability.

When the gear retracts, the deflector is hydraulically rotated around the underneath of the nose wheel before seating into the faring at the front of the nose wheel well. The rotation is programmed to maintain the deflector in a nose-up attitude during transit. No extra crew action is required to use the deflector and in the event of a manual gear extension, springs and rollers will position it correctly.

The maximum speed for gear operation (V LO) is reduced considerably to 180kts and the max speed with the gear extended (V LE) is only 200kts.

Note that the ground clearance of this nose-gear unit is only 3.5 inches this is enough to allow for flat tyre clearance but care must be taken when crossing runway arrestor cables, particularly try to avoid taxying over the "doughnuts" that support any cables.

Antiskid must be ON for takeoff and landing. (AFM)
Vortex dissipators must be ON for takeoff and landing. (AFM)
Maximum taxi EPR on gravel: 1.4. (AFM)
Gravel Protect switch: ANTI-ICE position when using engine inlet anti-ice. (AFM).

Use of rudder pedal steering rather than tiller is recommended to make all turns as large as possible to prevent nose gear from digging in.
Thrust to be kept to a minimum to sustain a slow taxy speed.
If runway is dusty try to manouvre so that your jet blast does not pick up loose debris that may be blown back over the runway in a crosswind. Dust should be allowed to settle before starting takeoff roll.

Notwithstanding the above, use a rolling takeoff wherever possible to avoid debris ingestion when takeoff thrust is set. EPR should be limited to 1.4 or less before brake release.
For landings, use of autobrake is recommended.
When landing on gravel, use approximately idle reverse, not to exceed 1.8 EPR. Stow reversers by approx 60kts. (AFM)

Gear Seals
Notice that none of the 737 series have ever had full main gear doors. Instead the outer wall of the tyres meet with aerodynamic seals in the wheel well to make a smooth surface along the underside of the aircraft. The first few 737's had inflatable seals which were inflated by bleed air when the gear was either up or down and deflated during transit. The landing gear panel had a NOT SEALED caption which would illuminate during transit (normal), if it illuminated at any other time you could have a puncture and the seal could be depressurised with the GEAR SEAL SHUTOFF switch to save bleed requirements.

These were soon dropped as being too complicated and a similar drag and noise advantage was achieved with the present fixed rubber seals.

The standard 737 brakes are a steel alloy called Cerametalix(R) with versions made by either Goodrich or Honeywell. Since 2008 the 737NG has had a carbon brake option from either Goodrich with Duracarb(R) or Messier-Bugatti with SepCarb® III-OR. They are both about 300kgs lighter than steel and last twice as long.

The brake pressure gauge merely shows the pressure of the air side of the accumulator and should normally indicate 3000psi. The normal brake system and autobrakes are powered by hydraulic system B. If brake pressure drops below 1500psi, hydraulic system A automatically provides alternate brakes which are manual only (ie no autobrake) and the brake pressure returns to 3000psi. Antiskid is available with alternate brakes, but not touchdown or locked wheel protection on series before the NG's.

If both system A and B lose pressure, the accumulator isolation valve closes at 1900psi and you are just left with residual hydraulic pressure and the pre-charge. The gauge will indicate approx 3000psi and should provide 6 full applications of brake power through the normal brake lines (so full antiskid is available) As the brakes are applied the residual pressure reduces until it reaches 1000psi at which point you will have no more braking available.

If the brake pressure gauge ever shows zero, this merely indicates that the pre-charge has leaked out, normal and alternate braking are unaffected if you still have the hydraulic systems (see QRH). The accumulator also provides pressure for the parking brake.

Note that on the 737-1/200, hydraulic system A operates the inboard brakes and system B operates the outboard brakes. Both brake pressures are indicated on the single hydraulic brake pressure gauge.

There are four thermal fuse plugs in the inner wheel half which prevent tyre explosion caused by hot brakes. The plugs melt to release tyre pressure at approx 177C (351F).

Brake Pressure Indication (psi) Condition
3000 Normal.
3000 No hydraulics, minimum 6 applications of brakes available with accumulator.
1000 No hydraulics, accumulator used up.
Zero No pre-charge, normal braking available with hydraulics.

Brake Accumulator

Brake Wear Pin

Autobrake Selector

Max Pressure at Brakes (PSI)

Deceleration Rate (ft/sec²)












12 (below 80kts)

14 (above 80kts)



Not Controlled

There is an "on ramp" period where autobrake pressure is applied over a period of time. Approximately 750psi is applied in 1.75 sec, then the pressures above are reached in another 1.25sec for autobrakes 1, 2, or 3 and approx. 1.0 sec for autobrake MAX.

Notice from the table above that autobrake Max does not give full brake pressure. For absolute maximum braking on landing, select autobrake Max to assure immediate application after touch down then override with full toe brake pressure.

Using high autobrake settings with idle reverse is particularly hard on the brakes as they will be working for the given deceleration rate without the assistance of full reverse thrust.

To cancel the autobrake on the landing roll with toe brakes you must apply a brake pressure in excess of 800psi (ie less than that required for autobrake 1). This is more difficult on the NG's because the feedback springs on the brake pedals are stiffer. Autobrake can also be cancelled by putting the speedbrake lever down or by switching the autobrake off. I would advise against the latter in case you accidentally select RTO and get the full 3000psi of braking!

Occasionally you may see the brakes (rather than the cabin crew!) smoking during a turnaround. This may be due to hard braking at high landing weights. But the most common reason is that too much grease is put on the axle at wheel change so that when the wheel is pushed on, the grease is deposited inside the torque tube; when this gets hot, it smokes. It could also be contamination from hydraulic fluid either from bleeding operation or a leak either from the brakes or another source.

Other aspect are the foot trustle Pedal which is for Ground Speed, even while in the air, the Pedal are also important to reduce air speed, when you want to take a dive or during Landing as Brakes,

At the sides are fire handle and Jack..

Note that on the MAX, the MAIN ELEC and AUTO PILOT Stab trim switches now either switch will cut-off both main electric and autopilot stab trim. They are renamed PRI and B/U (primary and backup). The switches are guarded in the NORMAL position (switch up) and CUTOFF is switch down. The QRH procedure is the same for all 737s.

even if want to wait for Air traffic control clearance; giving Sq 1000 to another Aircraft flying above or beneath you, and if you want to dispose Waste from toilets or just want to experience Zero gravity.

Over Head Board;

The Major Aircraft system and components;

This consist of screws, Nots, plugs and Quantum electronic wiring..

There are two important White plugs ( Duct Press) Reclic FAN ..

This plugs shows the electrical connector behind the plates

There are four important generators buses in the over head board;

Fuel, Generators, Hydraulic and Air Conditioning

Two are White Grey while the other are dark grey.. they librate when active

Thier function is to identify critical emergency System.

They isolate when you pull the fire handle;

Which are ; Engine failure, Engine separations, severe damage and engine fire

Cabin Pressure and switches;. Altitude climb


Satellite Communication

Usually on 0-7 decibel of you want to open all channels expecially on busy traffic airspace, know that you can hear at Most many Aircraft in a satellite radio frequency 0-7-

In Flyxanthus all satellite Operations are open when relay frequency of satellite air traffic control at Airport for our Aircraft and Pilot safety or at most in flight clearance by the air traffic control - 0-4 decibel

Pilot Seats;

Seat belts are Fixed and replacable just as mother and Baby ( Under 12 attachable seat belt)

Also Pilot seats on each sides have galley control system such as turning on switches to increase or reduce the temperature;

Turning on cabin lights;

Opening the speakers and Camera with microphone

Cabin Entertainment light's and water system.

Flyxanthus Jet Wind Speed at Termac should be 0-9 WPH And outside Termac gates are 10-14 WPH heading towards Runway. At airspeed; 19-36 wph For Travel Flight; 10 ft , landing on Runways 100-600 ft Flight Snap; 650-2000ft Flight stable at 3000-9000ft Climb to 10,000-,40,000ft for flight Caliberation and Journey.

Pilot speed are Aircraft And Pilot Aerodynamix..

But for safety KM Guage on Runways; 300KM/H For Large Frieghter; 300-850 KM/H For large Frieghter; 40,000ft -70,000ft On take off and flight; 500knots to 1,500 knot/Naut for large Frieghter , 3000- 4000 naut aerospeed.

Other Airspeed; 0-19 Wind speed per hour or lbf 19-35 wph 35-60 WpH large Body wings Engine Xeoval Aviation and Xeoval Corporate. .

Xeoval Jet MCC FCC, FSS and AFM AOA certificate Course.

International Business/Brand Travel Aviation

LAMA Certificate No• 0411

Statis certificate

Dear Flyxanthus Airline and Cally Air.

Xanthus Airways and Xanthus Airline awards Congratulation on your 100 Hours flight Test and 30 Days Prenuim Training.
On Xeoval Jet M 7 and Xandi Cove XBox and Xeoval Xandi 6 , and Xandi Cove XM series with

Aircraft type; Twin Turbo Wings engine

Plus Max Jet on Boeing Partnership Jepp
And 1500 Hours on flight 4324 B737-800

From Febuary 11, 2021.

Your MCC training and FSS is successful.
Xeoval Jet and Xandi Cove satellite Awards Gold to Flyxanthus and Silver to Cally Air.

For Customer Care Agent ; Samuel Ubani your Score is 89 percent A-

EASA award

Certificate No ENAC ; IT. ATO.OO24

Visual system; 180° ; 35 ° FoV

Your license proficiency shall be renewed for 1000 hours 1 Year to 3000 hours 3 Years and Unlimited as your merchandise is on Dry Lease.

Your Theoritical ATPL with CPL from internet Based Test ( IBT/ CBT) with web pages and routes maps and Customer Care handbook with Business Communication and Investment Relationship on

With installation of ADS B, NTSB, TCAS, AOA and Computer based MDS display System and AFM flight crew ( Multi crew Coordination)


IOC ready for Boeing Aircraft B737_800

FAA have done incredible job in making sure Boeing Max Aircraft follow all safety Standard.

And thier Standard for Safety on Air Travel is secured in Boeing 737 Max and MCAS


The protocol changes are

1) Engine Volume

2) Runway Stabilier ; Trim Stabilizer;

The "Roller Coaster" Manouvre
The current FCTM states:

Manual Stabilizer Trim
If manual stabilizer trim is necessary, ensure both stabilizer trim cutout switches are in CUTOUT prior to extending the manual trim wheel handles.

Excessive airloads on the stabilizer may require effort by both pilots to correct the mis-trim. In extreme cases it may be necessary to aerodynamically relieve the airloads to allow manual trimming. Accelerate or decelerate towards the in-trim speed while attempting to trim manually. [This is known as the "roller coaster" or "yo-yo" manoeuvre!]

Anticipate the trim changes required for the approach. Configure the airplane early in the approach. When reaching the landing configuration, maintain as constant a trim setting as possible. If a go-around is required, anticipate the trim changes as airspeed increases.

The FCT 737 (PTM) c1982 described the "roller coaster" manouvre in better detail as follows:

Recovery from a Severe Out of Trim
Accelerate or decelerate the airplane to an in-trim airspeed. If a recovery must be initiated from an extreme nose-down out-of-trim requiring a high pull force, an increase in airspeed may relieve enough of the elevator load and control displacement to permit manual trimming. Do not exceed speeed limitation. If a recovery must be initiated from an extreme nose-up out-of-trim requiring a high push force, a decrease in airspeed may relieve enough of the elevator load and control displacement to permit manual trimming. It should be noted that the relationship between airspeed change and trim change do not remain constant. As airspeed is increased, trim change requirements decrease.

In an extreme nose-up out-of-trim condition, requiring almost full forward column, decellerate, extend the flaps and/or reduce thrust to a minimum practical setting consistent with flight conditions until elevator control is established. Do not decrease airspeed below the minimum manouvring speed for the flap configuration. A bank of 30 degrees or more will relieve some force on the control column. This, combined with flap extension and reduced speed, should permit easier manual trimming.

If other methods fail to relieve the elevator load and control column force, use the "roller coaster" technique. If nose-up trim is required, raise the nose well above the horizon with elevator control. Then slowly relax the control column pressure and manually trim nose-up. Allow the nose to drop below the horizon while trimming. Repeat this sequence until the airplane is trim. If nose-down trim is required, slowing down and extending the flaps will account for a large degree of nose-up pitch. If this does not allow manual trimming then the reverse "roller coaster" can be performed to permit manual trimming.

This operation is analagous to reeling in a big fish where the line is kept taught by keeping the pole-tip bent. Then, to reel in, the pole is dipped quickly while cranking fast to keep a pull on the line.

Flight crews should not hesitate to apply whatever force is necessary on the trim handwheel because the system is designed for large handwheel loads.

revised protocol for MCAS suggested to notice including the fuel choice and bio fuel pressure and Volume

4) Installing updated flight control software (with new control laws) for the
FCC operational program software;
Installing updated MDS display processing computer software to generate an AOA disagree alert;
Revising certain AFM flight crew operating procedures; and
Changing the routing of horizontal stabilizer trim
According to the FAA, the first change will prevent erroneous MCAS activation. The second change will alert the pilots that the airplane’s two AOA sensors are disagreeing by a certain amount, indicating a potential AOA sensor failure.

5) another change/notification will help ensure that the flight crew has the means to recognize and respond to erroneous stabilizer movement and the effects of a potential AOA sensor failure. Finally, the fourth change will restore compliance with the FAA’s latest wire separation safety standards.

In addition, the FAA wants 737 MAXoperators to run an AOA sensor system test and perform an operational readiness flight before returning each aircraft to service. Also, operators with an existing FAA-approved master equipment list would be required to incorporate more restrictive provisions to dispatch the airplane with specific inoperative equipment.



Network Based Programming to skills Airport, flight control Software, Towers, Radars check, Airport Line Man, AOG service ; Fuel sealant, Runway Stabilizer especially on B787-9, MCAS on B737-Max with Engine oil volume and pressure and Installation of FCS or FSS flight control Software.

[7/18, 18:09] Radio Onyx: The maximum declarable fuel capacity for tech log, nav log, etc is 16,200kgs for 3-Tank Classics, 20,800kgs for NG/MAX's and up to 37,712kgs for BBJ's depending upon how many tanks the customer has specified (max 12). The AFM limits are higher, but not normally achievable with standard SG's.

The fuel panels for the various series have not changed much over the years. The NG/MAX's have separate ENG VALVE CLOSED & SPAR VALVE CLOSED lights in place of FUEL VALVE CLOSED. The -1/200 panel also has blue VALVE OPEN lights similar to that on the crossfeed valve. The FILTER BYPASS lights were FILTER ICING on the 1/200.

The 1/200's had heater switches; these used bleed air to heat the fuel and de-ice the fuel filter. They were solenoid held and automatically moved back to OFF after one minute.

NG/MAX: The engine spar valves and APU are normally powered by the hot battery bus but have a dedicated battery to ensure that there is always power to shut off the fuel in an emergency.

Fuel Gauges

[7/18, 18:10] Radio Onyx: The total tolerance for the FQIS system is based on a full tank. For example, if the fuel tank maximum capacity is 10,000 KG, then the tolerance of the gauging is 0.02 (airplane without a densitometer) * 10000 = 200 KG. The system tolerance is then +/- 200 KG at any fuel level within the tank.

The accuracy tolerance of the fuel flow transmitter is a function of the fuel flow. At engine idle, the system tolerance can be 12�During cruise, the tolerance is less than 0.5�The fuel flow indication is integrated over time to calculate the fuel used for each engine.

On the Digital Sunburst fuel gauges, pressing the "Qty test" button will start a self test of the display and the fuel quantity indicating system. After the test, each gauge will display any error codes that they may have.

Note: The gauges are still considered to be operating normally with error codes 1, 3, 5 or 7 on the Simmonds gauges or error codes 1,3 and 6 on the Smiths gauges. ie If the gauge is indicating (rather than zero) the gauge may be used.
: Limitations

Max temp


Min temp

-43°C or freeze pt +3°C

Max quantity

1/200: 4300 + 4100 + 4300 = 12,700kg (2 bag ctr bays)
200Adv: 4300 + 5400 + 4300 = 14,000kg (3 bag ctr bays)
200Adv: 4300 + 7000 + 4300 = 15,600kg (3 bag integral)
Classics: 4600 + 7000 + 4600 = 16,200kg
NG's: 3900 + 13000 + 3900 = 20,800kg

MAX: 3,869 + 12,990 + 3,869 = 20,729kg

Max lateral imbalance

1/200: 680kg; All other series: 453kg

Main tanks to be full if centre contains over 453kg

For ground operation, centre tank pumps must be not be positioned to ON, unless defuelling or transferring fuel, if quantity is below 453kgs.
Centre tank pumps must be switched OFF when both LP lights illuminate.
Centre tank pumps must not be left ON unless personnel are available in the flight deck to monitor LP lights.
Centre tank pumps should not be allowed to run dry or be left running unsupervised. Crew reset of fuel pump circuit breakers in-flight is prohibited (QRH CI.2.2)
[7/18, 18:13] Radio Onyx: Fuel Temperature

Limitations: Max fuel temp +49ºC, Min fuel temp -45ºC or freezing point +3ºC, whichever is higher. Typical freezing point of Jet A1 is -47ºC. If the fuel temp is approaching the lower limits you could descend into warmer air or accelerate to increase the kinetic heating. Fuel temp is taken from main tank 1 because this will be the coldest as it has less heating from the smaller hydraulic system A.

A fuel sampling and testing kit is kept on the flight deck of all aircraft to test for water.

The NG series are prone to "Upper Wing Surface Non-environmental Icing" or "Cold Soaked Fuel Frost" CSFF. This is due to cold soaked fuel causing frost to form on the wings during the turnarounds - even in warm conditions! From July 2004 NGs have been delivered with markings on the upper surface of the wings where this frost is allowable for despatch under the following conditions:

Takeoff with CSFF on the upper wing surfaces is permissible, provided the following are met:

the frost on the upper surface is less than 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) thick
the extent of the frost is similar on both wings
the frost is on or between the black lines defining the permissible CSFF area
the outside air temperature is above freezing(0 C, 32 F)
there is no precipitation or visible moisture at the wing surface (rain, drizzle, snow, fog)
[7/18, 18:14] Radio Onyx: Dripsticks

If a fuel gauge is u/s the quantity must be determined by using the dripsticks (floatsticks in later aircraft). The classics have 5 dripsticks in each wing tank and none in the centre tank. The NG has 6 dripsticks in each wing tank and 4 in the centre tank. Because of cumulative errors it is recommended that the wings are filled once every few sectors to ensure an even fuel balance. In-flight, the GW must be periodically updated to ensure the accuracy of VNAV speeds, buffet margin and max altitude.


Fuel quantity is measured by using a series of capacitors in the tanks with fuel acting as the dielectric. Calibration of the fuel gauges is done by capacitance trimmers, these are adjusted to standardise the total tank capacitance and allows for the replacement of gauges. On older aircraft the trimmers were accessible from the flightdeck (below the F/O's FMC) but they have since been removed to a safer place!
Capacitance trimmers


There are two AC powered fuel pumps in each tank; there are also EDP’s at each engine. Both fuel pump low pressure lights in any tank are required to illuminate the master caution to avoid spurious warnings at high AoA’s or accelerations. Centre tank LP lights are armed only when their pumps are ON.

Leaving a fuel pump on with a low pressure light illuminated is not only an explosion risk (see Thai and Philippine write offs) but also if a pump is left running dry for over approx 10 minutes it will lose all the fuel required for priming which will render it inoperative even when the tank is refuelled. If you switch on the centre tank pumps and the LP lights remain illuminated for more than 19 seconds then this is probably what has happened. The pumps should be switched off and considered inop until they can be re-primed.
[7/18, 18:15] Radio Onyx: Digital Fuel Quantity Indicator Error Codes - Simmonds

Error Code Fuel Quantity Indicator Reading Probable Cause Gauges considered to be operating normally?
0 Zero Missing or disconnected tank unit
1 Normal Tank contamination Yes
2 Zero Bad HI-Z lead
3 Normal Bad compensator unit wiring Yes
4 Zero Bad tank unit wiring
5 Normal Bad compensator unit Yes
6 Zero Bad tank unit
7 Normal Contamination/water in compensator Yes
8 Zero Bad fuel quantity indicator
9 Normal or zero Improperly calibrated indicator
Blank Bad fuel quantity indicator
Digital Fuel Quantity Indicator Error Codes - Smiths

Error Code Fuel Quantity Indicator Reading Probable Cause Gauges considered to be operating normally?
1 Normal Open or short in compensator LO-Z wiring Yes
2 Zero Short circuit in compensator unit
3 Normal Too much leakage in compensator unit Yes
4 Zero Open or short circuit in a LO-Z to a tank unit
5 Zero Short circuit in a tank unit
6 Normal Too much leakage in tank unit Yes
7 Zero (or ERR in flight) Calibration unit does not operate correctly
8 Blank An error in the DCTU data
9 Zero (or ERR in flight) A problem with the indicator memory
10 Zero Open or short circuit in the HI-Z line

Multi Engine instrument testing, (Multi crew Coordination)

And sampling of how to Open doors, start an aircraft Engine, open locker doors and documents rooms, moderation on Temperature and airsystem in Aircraft Galley and Oxygen Ozone Air Bag, and cleaning of Toilet and water heater

Satellite XM transponder, 5G Bandwidth Beam GSM Transponder,
Fibre optic Beacon

( NTSB TCAS alternative) flight Box, and www Internet protocol dummy screen for Geophysical Aerial satellite Map and flight calliberation on Projector screen, TV screen recorder, and wind land screen

Visual system; 180° ; 35 ° FoV

Aircraft type; Twin Turbo Wings engine

As Customer Care Agent keep this handbook and the score credit as it build up modular beacon and Cast broadcast system and Satellite Radar Beam of inflight, Runway Termac, ground Line Man, Traffic controller, Airport Towers and Satellite Jet on ground just like Beech craft, King Air.

Notice that taking satellite jet to the skies are to raise the barring of the beacon, mostly the satellite jet are on ground to show a landing Aircraft that you have arrived at the destination airport which is what satellite jet are, as soon as you identify with the jet on Ground, connecting to the Traffic controller and Airport Towers for flights dispatch and intinery is easier.

In airport that are in Partnership and not airport based. Drones are better thanks to WWW Internet protocol contribution to Aviation, another alternative to Satellite Radar Beam scan beacon.

SAATM; Africa, and Australia favorite destination..
LA MA Agency; Tourism slots on 06/22/2021 at 8:55am (UTC)

Single Africa Transportation Market;

Dextra LCC;

Insurance Receipt;

Health Screen for passenger;

We have decided to go with scan method to pave way for Traveller without giving COVID TEST or even restrictions.


As scanning their luggage, bags, and Tickets so we scan thier temperature and electromagnetic spectrum with the ultra fast diffraction beam to scan and give approval..
See mechanics on


Payment Receipt ;


First CITY Monument Bank;

Credit Deposit;

Insurance vouche;

4 Billion USD Balance;

Deduction payment of 31, Million USD.
And transfer of Shares to

Zixnoe LCC;

4 Billion USD Trust Payment and

ECo Bank payment ; for Year 2021 , January

Single Africa Air Transportation Market.

Zixnoe Receipt Fund serves as payment vouche for 5 Billion USD deposit on Axamansand insurance;





deduction for 20 Million USD for set up for Logistics team, Duty-free and payment for Shopping list..


And FIRST CITY Monument Bank; use the Green Africa Airways Partnership to make the deduction for shopping list including Duty free shop.

Other insurance request are now answerable to
Dextra LCC.

LA MA Agency; Tourism Guide;

Approved Maintenance Organization Certificate;

Sarjulg Group; Zixnoe by Sarjulg

Intercontinental ICE Exchange;

Africa Resumptions;

Flyxanthus; Jet Operations


Sam Mbakwe International Airport QOW

VIA-IKWUANO Intercontinental Airport VIA

DEXTRA LCC, and Dana Group; insurance; Axamansand.

Africa International Routes;

Arik Air, Kenya Airways- customer.relations@kenya-airways.com


Congo Airline; A320

FAFA Fashion For Peace; Nairobi, Congo, UAE , Nigeria, Ëco, Vlisco Wax;

afraa@afraa.org Awards!

Landing on ;

Nnamdi-ABV International Airport;

There is no Other routes calling from the East of Far East Africa

On Approach into FCT, A Community called NYANYA- Karu Municipal Area Council,

there is a Major Landmark on descent and after Ascension at 17,000 ft before making a Right Turn at Ascension take off, and Left turn at descent landing

For West Africa and Far West;

Zuma Rock in settlement of Zuba, Kuje, Kubwa..

Landmark on descent and after Ascension at 17,000 ft before making a Right Turn at descents take off, and Left turn at Ascension landing

There is a Rock Hill settlement Community@space.com



Update: feedback@ch-aviation.com


For Partnership in
Express Airline and Cally Air;


[4/20, 18:46] Radio Onyx: Express Airline;





Pitch from one@onejamznetwork.com

Express Airline partners with www.fritzair.ml


Village market Partnership; Adele dejak and Joe Fashion Model.

Malindi Kenya.

On the Bombadier Aircraft; Jet Blue ... Flying on 12,000 to 15,000 ft Toward Malindi Beach.. You see Mount Kilimanjaro;
And Tanzania Border..

That's why DEXTRA LCC buy Airport destination Slot; Nairobi- Malindi- Dar Salam... Of course you can still take Live octopus and prawn from Seychelles, yo Malindi and Nairobi.

Party like it Is Australia..

Eco Global Permit;

Sky View Avaition;


Zixnoe.ga ; B737-10 is already certified by Uashelp@faa.gov
www.dextra.ga on 06/21/2021 at 8:24pm (UTC)


On Our welcome share value and Top Notche enclosure.. Visit ;


News Update; www.dextra.ga

9 Air www.9air.com in Partnership with June Yao Deer Let Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner; see 9 Air on website; callyair.page.tl
As official Airline as service resumes on BOEING 737

Variant Resumption; B737-800
B737-8 NG
B737-8 Max
B737-9 Max

And B787-9 Norwegian Lease as Screen at callyairways@gmail.com at support@planespotter.net

All operations on www.zixnoe.ga

And Investor Relations at fritzair@hotmail.com

For LaTAM A350
Dextra.ga Priority Travel and For Air Biafra.

Freighter service At B777-9 PR-MUG Partnership AOC Part D; Sam Mbakwe International Airport QOW destination Hub

And Airbus A220 VP-BMX- Air Biafra , Sam Mbakwe International Airport QOW

For Flyxanthus


Carlyle Aviation Group


We are gratified in the Capital Ventures Program of Neo Design Aircraft and Next Generation Boeing Aircraft.

Automotive Design are modern Luxury addictive in combination of Dynamix and efficiency.

And Travel Care safety Inquiries on AOA Sensor, Engine Oil and FAA Approval of MCAS;

Who just won the best Call center agent survey by Hostinger;


Aircraft and Airframe Registration;

ADS-B Transponder

Because B737-10 is already certified by Uashelp@faa.gov under Max Jet Program and AOA Sensor Engine Oil System.

This email Cost 120,000 USD ; one year Tax Duty employment Work since May 2020 for Captain Jeppesen and



Flyxanthus.ml for Max jet and CFM Engine inquires

See shares from Boeing 747-400 TV MAp and Floppy Disc Map in put and bond shares in


B737-9/10 Maiden flight Year 2023
www.dextra.ga on 06/18/2021 at 3:40pm (UTC)

And Yes We are out from the factory of Spirit Aerostructure and Boeing.

www.dextra.ga secures 100 Boeing 737 Max 9 and Boeing 737- 10 upon the arrival maiden flights ;


Boeing Co (BA.N) prepared to stage a maiden flight of the largest member its 737 MAX family on Friday, in a further step towards recovering from the safety grounding of a smaller model.

The first voyage of the 737 MAX 10, expected around 10 a.m. local time (1700 GMT) in the Seattle area, heralds months of testing and certification before it enters service in 2023.

In an unusual departure cc the PR buzz surrounding first flights, the event was being kept deliberately low-key as Boeing tries to navigate overlapping crises caused by the 20-month grounding in the wake of two crashes and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Boeing's 230-seat 737-10 is designed to close the gap between its 178-to-220-seat 737-9

Chicago Recruitment;

DIM Event LLC;



Service Aviation; Boeing Contract;

Future Entrepreneurship Incubator Internship (Nigeria) Fall 2021

Theme Work.

Working At Sam Mbakwe International Airport QOW with Learning how to balance; Media and Chartered Relations in Avaition and in Booking and Reservation.

DIM Event LLC will showcase the most appealing interest for www.Dextra.ga in privisional support to Zixnoe Logistics team on www.zixnoe.ga

Our Team of Career Developers for NIGERIA/ ECO Region are Experienced Media Expert with Post Graduation Course Work to help incubate Interns or Diploma Graduate into The Life Experiences.

Terminal Ambient in Airport boarding...

In transcient modular leisure.

Planetarium Geographic map display and route Aerocraft Carrier at www.dextra.ga and at Inquiries at www.fritzair.ml

Recipient entered.

Interactive stereo Jockey.

Music by

Ring Ring A Ling mp3

The Black Eyed Peas- Artist.


On radio automation software ;

SAMS Broadcaster Shoutcast and Ice Cast Transfer Control And Inference Protocol Voice over IP and Short Messenger IP ( SIP) SMTP

Which is controlled by A Station Desk Voice over Flight dispatcher ; and a Satellite Operators

Samuel Ubani; Post Graduation experience has over

Years built Service Carrier reputation amongst many airline from Private jets to Airport Customer desk of MMA2 Ikeja,

Arik and Air Peace

Visit ; https://independent.academia.edu/SamuelUbani

For professional Profile in his Media and Public Relations Strategies supervision my www.Sqube.ga

Check In. Already interns on board.. already incubated. 11 Years on at Xanthus Fund LLC; www.dextra.ga

In Dextra LCC.
Charted Business Traveller.



[6/15, 10:17] Radio Onyx: Dextra Reservation Carrier;..

Please be advised that we still begin operations despite VIA International Ikwuano Airport not Ready yet.

Commitment from Flyxanthus.ml

With orders for

10 B737 Flight Stimulator for Pilot training

1 B787 flight stimulator for Pilot training and exercise

3 A320 Super Jet FCC leaflet Flight Stimulator for Neo Aircraft and A350..

At VIA International Ikwuano Airport

Sam Mbakwe International Airport

Victor Attah International Airport QUO

For Aircraft..

Logo attached for

Which are 30
1 Sukhoi S7 Aircraft

10 A220

8 A320neo

10 A350-941/1041
[6/12, 20:38] Radio Onyx: Just Founded.

DEXTRA ; Founder; Samuel Ubani
Chartered Executive Officer;

Date of Launch;
June 12, 2021

Partners; www.zixnoe.ga

Fritzair LLC; America

Fritzair Air Africa; www.fritzair.ml

A flexible Airline across Antarctica:. Travel through West Central Africa, West Africa, Southern AFRICA, Brazil and Australia.

Avaition and satellite Partnership;

Flyxanthus; Xanthus Aviation Limited


And Xanthuscap.com

Boeing, Collins Aerostructure and Airbus LaTAM


Audio Campaign; Dextra Airline.

For Payment process click the fill form for payment Intinery and/or use Print page to airport


As is, we have got to the points we expect those who had legally or illegally subscribe to XANTHUS AVIATION LIMITED and Xanthus fund LLC

Either as Partnership, contract or at most Aircraft supply.

We are not Sale Program or Sales project

We are in much request for our Business Payment to dully Launch our services.

Those on contract shall expires

31, March, 2021

As it it would have rested on Nigeria Government and it's incentives, we have log and Records of our payment on stock market to Sahco, NAHCO and other related service

Insurance, ExxonMobil.

What we await is

Transfer of Merchandise/ Shipping delivery

Boarding pass printer

POS machine

50 Pilots; may employ

With 10 B737 Flight Stimulator for pilot training and exercise

3 A320 FCC flight stimulation

10-20 years contract;
B737 Max and B737NG

Or Boeing expert Pilot
Office equipment and Computer

All business concierges on investor.relations@accessbankplc.com

Or Providus Bank businessconcierge@providusbank.com should attend to the following request.

As Dextra Reservation it's own contract with business payment

Payment methods are

Total Amount ; 6 Billion USD

Account holder; Samuel Ubani
sarjulggroup@yahoo.com for callyairways@gmail.com
Internet System

Payment set up

Customer Care

Booking and Reservation

Aircraft cleaning
Marketing and Communication

Aircraft blanket, tray and cleaning agent

Providus Bank account

Access bank

And Polaris Bank


And Blackstone Investments; gary.kelly@wcno.com

For gary.kelly@southwest.com

For Samuel Ubani

Zixnoe Logistics

Flyxanthus Limited

Xanthus Aviation Limited.

2 Boeing 737-3

SOUTHWEST airline Investments Bonus
LUV And Heart One Stocks

Sarjulg Business ;

10 Boeing 737-7

Xanthus Fund LLC



On boarding

Order Placed;

2 Boeing 787-9

26 Boeing 737 Max April Delivery

40 BOEING 737-9

And 50 B737-10

June/July Delivery

bat@boeing.com media@boeing.com


Enterprise Resourcing management

Sqube Media ; Dextra Reservation Manager

Booking; callyair.page.tl/booking.htm

Polaris Retail Banking

Single Africa Air Transportation Market

Aviation Commission

Eco Global Travel permit




LATAM Airline

US Open Skies Agreement

Home Office Nigeria Avaition

Immigration and Tower Logs

Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority

SahCo Aviation Receipt from Sky Way Avaition for Zixnoe Logistics and We are Life Travel Plan.

For VIA Airport VIA Ikwuano to Sam Mbakwe International airport QOW and Victor Attah International airport QUO.

Express Parcel Waiting for delivery or meet up at Easter Launcheon at Tour Guide visit to Oboahia Oboawom, Umuahia ndoro Ikot epene Uyo express A2 Lane to Dechoice Restaurant Umuahia flofm949@gmail.com and Four Points hotel Ikot epene Uyo Akwaibom.
Percia FM

Sarjulg Business


What's App
[6/15, 13:59] Radio Onyx: Dexter Reservation Carrier;

Our pre Launch plans;

We usually launch with Media Exhibition.

In this exhibition, once the first contract Aircraft is almost at arrival to Sam Mbakwe International Airport and zixnoe Logistics team, and all signature is signed

A receipt of SAHCO plc of 500 million USD deposit on December 23, 2020 receipt attached..a Copy of that with the aircraft registration and certificate with other valuable Avaition documents..
At once we have submitted the documents to NCAA, FAAN and Sam Mbakwe International Airport QOW...

I will call on a Red carpet mid- work event tagged;

Sustainable Aviation maturity

Sponsorship by Eco Global Permit

To continue initiation into BASA Agreement, SAATM agreement and US- Open Skies Agreement with Eco Global Permit.

Remember the aircraft for the contract is for business only to Dextra Reservation Carrier and Zixnoe logistics.


Eko Lagos Hotel, Victoria Island

Or Civic center; Victoria Island

3 Hours / 4 hours event.. much of Media networking.

So all recipient in this email ;

LaTAM Fleet,


Airbus; ir@airbus.com

ExxonMobil; capital.markets@exxonmobil.com

French company for airport booking system;


Other relevant stake holders..

The event will have less publicity but much Business Relations.

Any interesting stake holders may Print Banner for advertising.
As soon as we are ready..
I will draft a business letter to invite stakeholder..

Budget is usually 300,000 USD;

Airport pick up, Taxi, lunch, music and guests,

Stake holding hotel for 7 company ; 5

Flight tickets..


Sustainable Aviation maturity

How to leverage All airport agreement in one general Aviation shell.

Local and Airport Aviation Authority

Ground handling

Airport Towers signals

Satellite Operators and ISP provider.
Safety Channel

Available Fuel and efficienc
Cabin Hospitality and cleaning service..

Frieghter service

Avaition Manufacturing...

These agenda Topic are highlight in bullet points are spoken from professional perspective or experience..

And Launching of Dextra Reservation Carrier;. And Zixnoe logistics company.

Highlighting operations and service Rendering

This I will give presentation for.

At the end weekend of week Launch we should have gotten AOC for Nigeria and Foreign Affairs priviledges on Foreign Airline Operations in Nigeria..

Dating, Fitness and Leisure
Thytwig; And Cafe Xperia on 06/12/2021 at 4:27pm (UTC)

Work and Play doesn't make Jack a Dull Man.. so they say.

Libration; the electronueral movement in elasticity and in vibration; happens in Aircraft switch on, Pilot and passenger Seats, and in cockpit MCAS dashboard

Flying like broom Stick is the basic starting Method of flying

Remember Oliver Twist; Year 1835 the story book.. an Antarctican boy supplying Aircraft in Ireland, where he taught the WICCAN class on how to fly with broom Stick.

Stage 1; Fighting fear;
There are two ways..
Meditation; breathing exercises

Psychsomatic balance; mind and body
Then heel and ankle exercise., Toe widen , calf open for fluidity and gloss.. ☄️

Palm and finger frosting.. ( no cracking nails and fingers

Stage 2 ; Astral Method; get a broom Stick, or a mop.. buy Palm leaves are better
Move your heel and ankle to angle 102, lift toes up I angle 102 and return the get the broom Stick in btw legs, (thigh) careful for perineal raphe or Disc ( women) and balance get set leap or jump with angle 102. Use mind and will power to get the elevation. The. Swing forward or backwards and return to balance.

Broom Stick and Fan ( use auditorium standing fan.. 4 ft tall,

Repeat stage 2 ( Move your heel and ankle to angle 102, lift toes up I angle 102 and return the get the broom Stick in btw legs, (thigh) careful for perineal raphe or Disc ( women) and balance get set leap or jump with angle 102. Use mind and will power to get the elevation. The. Swing forward or backwards and return to balance.) More Aerodynamix in aerospace

Other Method; flying balloon with gas ( gasoline, nitrogen or hydrogen)

Or Xandi Series www.flyxanthus.ml

At Zixnoe Logistics we mix all work pleasures, dating and play.

Even 16+ can begin building up muscles in training.

Or begin Swimming classes or Massage Sauna to lay off work

Even during baggage Handling and freighter service or climbing the stairs to an aircraft or even under an aircraft for Service , maintenance and repair;

One need take rest, rejuvenate, mingle and be open minded
23 Years and counting

Our sports nutrition is superior than others

Muscle Tech and USN Product

Want to see Madrid and Portugal meet at The best Ever Football Game. Off after the warm up in 2022, 2026 into Year 2030.


Have concluded on the Mexican and Eco Region Partnership on Sports, Nutrition and Travel.

As intercontinental Exchange meet with Xanthus Fund LLC.

Already master@advantagepartners.com..

Sealing Season Bargain for Year 2022 November 21

The July Delivery into DEXTRA LCC;

Aircraft delivery arrival,

August launch; August 2021

For trust into Year 2024 Announcement and June/July Soccer football season

Neo Aircraft; delivery-

And LaTAM XLR launch

Spain and Portugal, FIFA, 2030 World Cup.

Post Modernist Team . See Two Planet Partners ;

Artic, Russia AND Atlantis.

Guest List; already filed into South Africa, 2010.

Africa Nations Cup. 2023..

DEXTRA LCC; Will have much bulk Sports Bonuses on

Muscle Nutrition.
Well those who don't accept that drinking or being fruitan is holistic approach to Health and wellness, then we don't accept doping..

For Much sports nutrition supply,

And B737-10 year 2023_ on waving spree into XubeOffice Intercontinental Sleaze PLC, ..

For industry supply in B777-9 Cabin/ Lounge/freighter

See models and trusted Customer

Swing by our Duty free shop at Sam Mbakwe International Airport QOW for more sport and sexy Body nutrition..


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